2008年10月27日 星期一

Lab: Accessibility by GreaseMonkey

  1. Google Search Keys Numbers the results in a Google search page and you can type the corresponding number to follow the link. Updated: 2005-04-26. more
  2. Google Access Keys Enables navigation through Google search results.

  3. AccessBar: displays defined accesskeys in a fixed-position bar along the bottom of the window. Added 2005-04-01 (not a joke). Find how many access keys have been defined atwww.ocac.gov.tw www.epa.gov.tw
  4. Continued from 3, use google to find 3 more government sites in Taiwan that enable access keys.
Reference: Dive into Greasemonkey by Mark Pilgrim (free download)
http://dia.z6i.org/ (中文)

